Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My recent article in few newspaper across the country

4 Technologies and 3 idiots

The early 21st century living standards and comforts for humans ( homo sapiens sapiens ) and technology based lifestyle has been possible by the foundations laid by the breakthroughs made in Science and technology innovation through automation and mechanization during 20th century. The 22nd century of the human species is going to shaped by the Unification of Science and Convergence of Technologies in this century. Single theory which can explain the working planets and at the same time shows how atoms and particle behave. This unified science leads to the convergence of Nanotechnology ,Biotechnology ,Information Technology and Cognitive Technology which are providing the platforms for the future world. In everyday life we can observe these changes in simple gadgets and devices around us. We are already having 1 billion transistors in a processor which indicates that microelectronics will slowly phase out and give way for Nanoelectronics. Nobody would believed 20 years ago about the transparent touch screens as thin as human air available today its in the market. Cyborgs which had been in movies as imaginations are becoming a reality in laboratories through Nanobioelectronics ,Neurobiolelectronics because of convergence in biotechnology and electronics at nano dimensions. The memory resistors which are being developed can replicate functionalities of neurons laying the foundation for cognitive. Traveling in o space will become normal life style due to convergence in other technologies related to materials (Nano) ,working with living cells and materials (Bio) ,replicating through processes and decision making abilities (Cogno ) and high speed ,high quantity processing abilities through computers(IT).

The present crisis in environment ,energy ,population growth and sustainability of human species can only solved through this convergence of technologies. It agreed in the research communities that IT age will be followed by Nano age to be followed by Cogno and real Space age. Being a country of 1.3 billion population and still going strong, India’s contribution to progress of Science and Technology has been very limited in last two centuries. Off late we are becoming a country of “Service” engineers, doctors and managers at the same time geared up to use the technology created ,developed by others. Though its a Globalized world only contributors are remembered and revered .Einsteins ,Ramans, Mendels, Faradays etc will be there as long as human species alive on earth and how many Indians are there in any Science or Technology books or laws .The problems of this country can only be solved through making technology cost effective and indigenous. .This can happen only if our education system which has become a factory producing literate, English speaking laborers starts revamping itself towards quality research and give freedom to young minds to imagine and dream. Hands on experience with creativity ably footed with right theory and skills sets are requirement of the time. Young Indians students should come to research to take this country back to the glory where Science and Technology prospered 5000 years ago.

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